3 cups Oreo cookie crumbs (no filling)
4 ounces (melted) medicated butter
1 pinch salt
non-stick cooking spray
Chop the Oreo crumbs until the consistency of corn meal. I use a food processor for this step, but you can use a blender with a smaller quantity at a time.
Mix the crumbs with the salt, then mix in the medicated butter with a rubber spatula.
Spray the inside of a 91/2 x 3" spring form pan with non-stick spray.
Spread the Oreo crumb mixture into the pan, being sure to press evenly covering the bottom at least an 1/8 inch thick, also pressing crumbs onto the sides. Try to form a lip around the top edge.
Set aside and chill until ready to fill.
This can be frustrating as the crumbs tend to crumble as you try to press it into the pan, I like to use rubber gloves and get my hands into it, gently pressing the mixture a handful at a time slowly covering the pan.